Gail's Learning Center is a place for learning, discovery, connecting and sharing. Topics related to natural wellness are grouped under the headings of Eating Well, Moving More, Thinking Better, and Connecting to make the information easier to browse. Workshops and additional resources may bring together several of these categories which often overlap.
I believe that practicing mindful awareness and "listening" to your own mind and body can lead you to your best path. Hopefully you'll find some interesting ideas here that will be helpful on your wellness journey.
Are you a "do-it-yourself" kind of person? Do you believe that you can add more years to your life, and enjoy better health by incorporating a few different foods into your menu? If even a portion of the worldwide research on foods and longevity is valid, you certainly can! Lots of healthy foods actually taste good, and don't take long to prepare!
The purpose of these pages is to whet your appetite by focusing on some common foods and their healing properties, along with easy ways to include them in your daily fare.
Key Points:
What would moving more mean to you? Here are a few possibilities:
Feel better physically, with more energy and strength; Enjoy life more, with uplifted mood and enhanced creativity; Stay healthier, reducing your risk of common illnesses; Look more relaxed and have younger skin; Stress less and sleep better; And live longer!
The next question, assuming you would like to move more and be healthier, is how to get more consistent exercise. Many folks are constrained by their work schedules, by current health conditions, lack of transportation, weather (too hot, too cold), lack of space an so on.
To begin adding more movement to your daily routine:
Would you like to become more creative and confident when embracing the challenges you encounter in the future? Recent research indicates that persons of any age have the capacity to learn and grow, and actually "train their brains" to function differently. Understanding more about the science of Neuroplasticity may give you ideas for enabling positive changes in your brain.
Enhance your creativity through practice.
The Innovator's DNA is an excellent guide to improving your creative potential. The authors studied the behaviors of some of the best known and most experienced innovators in the world and documented the common behaviors they found. They believe that anyone can be more creative by practicing these 5 skills often:
In societies where longevity is common and people are generally healthy, connecting is believed to be a key factor, according to studies of those "blue zones."
This includes connecting to a community that supports healthy behaviors, living close to nature and gardening, and feeling a sense of purpose and belonging. Daily activities in that environment involve a lot of natural movement and activities that support shared values and enjoyment.